WHAT WE DO: The Playbook to the Enlightened Athlete.
We work for the professional or elite athlete who wants to transcend their training and sport to become the person and athlete they ASPIRE to Be. In the world of sports performance there are a lot of methodologies to high performance yet they are not training the most important part, YOU. But this "you" is not what you think it is, it reaches far beyond your physical you. Emotions, reactions, doubts, fear are all locked within your physical you. The flow or zone, oneness, love and genius reside in many places but this requires unlocking the "vision" that brings all of you together in harmony.
“Our purpose is simple, to help the athlete see within themselves how to be “the zone” as they play, bringing their game to other levels.”
12 month Intensive “zone” training.
integrates with your current team of trainers, coaches and advisers.
One on One training
Team training
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