Mark Lindquist
A few years ago I had such a profound enlighten experience at that time I had an employee benefits business after my experience all I knew was Knowing and I knew I wanted to bring it into fitness and that's how my journey started I have been fine tuning it every sense and nothing is wasted you bring everything in and knowing begins like I said earlier I have been fine tuning it and in that I can see where I can be helpful to the pro athlete, they already have some sense of knowing they don't always know where it comes from or how to keep it there is a kind of superstition about being in the ZONE.
"I have learned how to see, how to be it and how to keep it."
My manifesto to professional and elite athletes. Any person who has attained a high level of success in their sport at some point they come to realized that their body, skills and current realities can only bring them so far. These people have a drive to be the best, they know deep down that "there must be other levels" that I am missing. This is where I come in, "I teach those other levels!" What I know IS those other levels, it requires vision, a seeing that others are missing. If you can see what you competitors are missing you have a huge competitive advantage.
The Just Do It! Athletic Mindset. (It is slow)
The world of athletics is very competitive, the higher the level the tougher the competition. Everyone is always looking for ways to gain an advantage, give me that extra inch of jumping, run a little faster, throw a little harder, be a stronger, practice a little more. On every level of the physical plane is maximized by working with coaches, trainers, sport psychologist. A team of people you have that all are helping you be the best you can be. You have 24 hours like everyone else, but time acts differently in an enlightened state. Play in the "zone" and you have an idea what I am talking about. So just do it will always have its limits, how you are doing it and who of you is doing it makes all the difference in a reality that allow you to play on a different level.
A new "playbook" that brings you to another level!
This new enlightened way of training and playing sports is built on a precise framework, I work with athletes to uncover the "playbook" within so that it gets transferred to the "outer" game. It strengthens in a new dynamic way all parts of training, performance, playing and all while enlightening you as a human.
What We Offer
What We Offer
WHAT WE DO: The Playbook to the Enlightened Athlete.
We work for the professional or elite athlete who wants to transcend their training and sport to become the person and athlete they ASPIRE to Be. In the world of sports performance there are a lot of methodologies to high performance yet they are not training the most important part, YOU. But this "you" is not what you think it is, it reaches far beyond your physical you. Emotions, reactions, doubts, fear are all locked within your physical you. The flow or zone, oneness, love and genius reside in many places but this requires unlocking the "vision" that brings all of you together in harmony.
“Our purpose is simple, to help the athlete see within themselves how to be “the zone” as they play, bringing their game to other levels.”
12 month Intensive “zone” training.
integrates with your current team of trainers, coaches and advisers.
One on One training
Team training
Open line access to me.